GAP Missions began as “Missionary Aviation Outreach” in 1989 when we began to prepare for an outreach to the Gueré people living in the remote regions of Ivory Coast, West Africa. Twenty-three people accepted the Lord in the first meeting and within eighteen months the ministry expanded to three neighboring villages. More than 350 people left their traditional animistic religion and trusted Jesus as their Savior and the first church was established in the village called Guiri, prefecture of Bangolo. Inquisitive visitors from other more distant villages came to the church and our home begging us to bring the “TRUTH” to their people.
GAP Missions Worldwide
Missionaries working through GAP Missions are serving in Europe, the Middle East and West Africa. GAP Missions encourages and equips these missionaries in their ministry of reaching the people of the world with the Gospel.
GAP Missions Africa
James and Lanelle primarily serve in Ivory Coast with an orphanage. GAP Missions AFRICA is busy about the task of reaching the people of Ivory Coast, West Africa with the Gospel. There are scores of people in this war torn region of the world that have yet to hear the Good News. GAP Africa also operates an orphanage ministry to care for many of the children affected by this region’s troubled history.
For more information, please visit the GAP Missions website below: